You can start at any time, even in the middle of a period. If you sign up after the 15th of the month, you pay half the price. Note: If you sign up for the class one week before ending of the month, we recommend to buy a drop in class here.
The yearly membership is 100 DKK, which you pay before you can sign up for a class.
Commitment: With our new subscription payment at the dance classes, you commit yourself to 3 whole months. If you sign up in April or May you only commit yourself for 1 month. Our classes run all year with breaks during summer and Christmas. If you want to cancel your subscription, you do so by sending us an email 3 days before the 1st in a month. You must always write us an mail when you want to unsubscribe. The membership can not be refunded and is valid all through the year.
The price is 240 DKK per month for 1 class of 60 minutes and 360 DKK for 1 class of 90 min. The class is paid by monthly subscription and you will automatically get withdrawn every 1st of the month.
There are discounts if you sign up for several classes, and by unlimited training, read more about discounts here.
Problem registering! Call us right away, and we will help you. Our number: 20987477.
We look forward to seeing you at the dance school.
We are closed during holidays:
- Christmas break (from 16th of December 2024 to 19th of January 2025)
- Easter April 15th - 21st of April (both days included)
- Kristi Himmelfarts Day
- 2. Pinsedag