11:30-12:30 Salsa footwork and body work (intermediate, advanced and very advanced) the price is: 130 DKK. Sign up here
12:45 -14:45 Salsa couple work (advanced and very advanced) this one is two hours, the price is: 260 DKK. Sign up here (As a women, at the moment you need to sign up with a dancer partner if you like to attend this workshop, men can sign up alone)
15:00-16:00 Bachata (intermediate and advanced) the price is: 130 DKK. Sign up here (As a women, at the moment you need to sign up with a dancer partner if you like to attend this workshop, men can sign up alone)
Offer: 4 hours (the price is: 420 DKK the 2nd workshop is 2 hours: The total of 3 workshops. Sign up here (As a women, at the moment you need to sign up with a dancer partner if you like to attend this workshop, men can sign up alone)
Place: Kildevæld Kulturhus, Bellmansgade 3-5C, 2100 København
In the evening we have an amazing concert with the famous Cuban singer Leoni Torres at Amager Bio, get your tickets at
If you like to dance with us in Copenhagen on a weekly basis, then have a look at our program: