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Prices and booking

Travel date for Salsa Summer Camp: 21st - 27th of July 2024

Idrætshøjskolen Bosei, Præstø, South of Sealand, Denmark

Early Bird Prices, before the 2nd of April:

Early Bird! Register for the Salsa Camp 2024 until April 2nd and save up to 1000 DKK. You do not need a sign-up partner to register, but if you do have one, then you can save money. 

Sign up for two camps including our Summer Dance Camp in week 31 and save 1000 DKK. (Only applicable if you book your stay in a room or tent). The discount will be refunded to you on arrival day. 

- Double room*: 6500 DKK (with a sign-up partner 5500 DKK) 

- Tent or camper/camping trailer that you bring yourself: 5500 DKK (with a sign-up partner 4500 DKK) 

- Without accommodation: 4500 DKK (with a sign-up partner 3500 DKK) 

Prices after April 1st:

- Double room: 7000 DKK (with a sign-up partner 6000 DKK) 

- Tent or camper/camping trailer that you bring yourself: 6000 DKK (with a sign-up partner 5000 DKK) 

- Without accommodation: 5000 DKK (with a sign-up partner 4000 DKK) 

* If you snore, you need to put it in the form when you sign up, then you will be placed in a room with another person who snores (this only applies to participants without a room partner)

Salsa Camp without accommodation: Most participants choose to stay at Bosei, but you can also participate as a day participant, without staying at the school. You get access to all activities, also afternoon and evening. The price includes the course, breakfast, fruit, and water during the day, lunch, afternoon tea, coffee & cake, dinner and party/dinner the last night.

ATTENTION!!! At the moment you can as a woman only sign up if you have a sign up partner of the opposite sex or otherwise write to us an we will place you on a waiting list. We still have space at our ElStudio Summer Dance Camp, where we also will have a lot of Salsa/Bachata classes. Men can still sign up without a sign u partner. This does not include the Afro & Rumba part, if you only like to join that part, you do not need to have a sign up partner as a woman and can sign up alone.


Be aware of the following:

- We will only release the sale of single rooms if the double rooms are not fully booked.

- The sign-up partner needs to be of the opposite sex. It is not required that you dance or share accommodation with your sign-up partner. You do not have to sign up together, but it has to be in the same 48 hours.

- Do you need a sign up partner in order to get a discount and you do not have one, then we can put you on a waiting list, if you like. As soon as we get an email from one, we will contact you, so you can register together, so you both get the  discount. But there is no guarantee, as a lot of people just sign up alone, fast to make sure they get a spot

Transport from Kastrup Airport to the Salsa Camp 

Two weeks before the camp, there will be a possibility to pay for transport with a bus that we arrange from the airport to the camp. We will send out a mail two weeks before, that you can reply to in case you would like to book a ticket. The pick up will be at 13.30. 

We always make a Facebook group so participants can communicate with each other. In this group you can make a post asking for a lift.

The payment is directly to Bosei, have a look at the sign up link. When you have paid you are signed up. By signing up you are agreeing to us filming and taking photos during the camp. 

All correspondence regarding the salsa camp should be addressed directly to ElStudio at

Cancellation policy: In the case of cancellation, the following rules apply: It is a binding registration but for cancellations the latest the 1st of May we charge a 1000 DKK administration fee. By cancellations the latest 2 months before, we charge 50% of the full amount. If you cancel later than this, there is no possibility of a refund. In case of illness and the like, we refer to cancellation insurances etc. ​

Parties at the camp on Wednesday July 24th, Thursday July 25th and Friday July 26th

We have some amazing parties at the camp and we open up for guests from outside the camp the last three nights. If you are already at the camp, you do not have to sign up or pay extra for this. Guest that are not participating at the camp can sign up for party and dinner and spend the night in a tent that they bring themselves. We recommend purchasing your ticket well in advance. There is a limited amount of tickets and it's first come first serve. 

Cuban Son Night

Wednesday, July 24th 2024

Price 100 DKK

Book your ticket HERE

Cuban Show Night & Party

Thursday, July 25th 2024
  • 21.00-22.00: Social dancing
  • 22.00-22.45: Show and Animation
  • 23.00-01.00: Social dancing

Price 100 DKK.

Book your ticket HERE

Salsa Galla Party & Live Music

Friday the 26th of July 2024
  • 19.30-21.30: Dinner
  • 21:00-22:00: Social dancing
  • 22.00-23.00: Live music and Animation
  • 23.00-03.00: Social dancing

We end the last day with a big party. This event is open for family and friends. Everyone is welcome. The party is included in the price for the Salsa Camp participants.

  • Tickets for the Gala Party is 150 DKK. Book here.
  • Tickets for the Gala Dinner and Party is 350 DKK. Book here
  • Tickets for the Gala Dinner, Party and free bar is 600 DKK. Book here
  • Tickets for the Gala Dinner, Party with one night stay in a tent (that you bring yourself) and breakfast the day after, 700 DKK. Book here

All tickets are valid for one person.

Remember to purchase your ticket well in advance. There is a limited amount of tickets and it's first come first serve. If you should sign up late then send us a text to +45 20 98 74 77 and if you book the ticked that includes dinner then you must book at the lates on Wednesday July 24th. 

We look forward to a great party!




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