K-POP workshops with Annika and Silla (teachers from ElStudio)
From 12.10-13.10 (Kids/teens)
K-pop dance workshop, open level/beginner. Join this workshop to test out k-pop dance and learn trendy and fun moves at a beginner level, for kids and teens.
Book here: bit.ly/K-Pop-kids-teens
From 13.10-14.10 (Intermediate)
K-pop dance workshop, intermediate/advanced. Join this workshop to test out k-pop dance and learn powerful and technical moves at an intermediate to advanced level, for adults.
Book here: bit.ly/K-pop-intermediate
From 14.10-15.10 (Open level)
K-pop dance workshop, open level.
Join this workshop to test out k-pop commercial dance and learn k-pop inspired moves at an open level, for adults.
Book here: bit.ly/k-pop-open-level
Price pr. workshop 100 DKK
All 3 workshops 250 DKK
Book here bit.ly/k-pop-3-workshops
Address: Korsgadehallen, Korsgade 29 at Nørrebro
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